It’s a mouthful. A sinfully delightful one at that with all of the right words and flavors that combine into this brilliantly decadent recipe from Ashley DeKam, fellow blogger, repeat RMFR contributor and founder of Craving4More.
If you’re not already following her innovative and eye-catching eats on social media you deserve to get in on these drool-worthy posts and take note of her original and vibrant cooking and baking direction that results in some truly beautiful food.
So just in time for Valentine’s Day, we connect with DeKam to share one of her most recent posts, a seemingly simple cheesecake (our favorite) that she says she wanted to make “just a little bit fancy,” with a crust full of toasted macadamia nuts, a layer of rich, dark chocolate ganache and “a creamy vanilla white chocolate pudding cheesecake filling” for a full-on plate of pleasure that’ll bring you to your peak February foodgasm.
And, you’re welcome.
Black & White Chocolate Truffle Macadamia Nut Cheesecake
10 Tbs. butter, ice cold and cut into 1/2″ cubes
1 large egg
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup toasted macadamia nuts
2-3 Tbs. ice water
2 cups dark chocolate chunks
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
Combine the butter, egg, flour, and nuts in a food processor. Pulse until crumbly. Gradually drizzle in the ice water until the dough is beady, but not too sticky.
Transfer to parchment paper and form into a large dough ball.
Press into the bottom of a parchment lined cheesecake pan and bake for about 20 minutes.
Top the crust with 2 cups dark chocolate chunks.
Turn off the oven and return the crust to the oven to allow the chocolate to melt for another 15 minutes.
Remove from heat and allow to cool thoroughly.

Cheesecake Filling:
16 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 pkg. vanilla white chocolate pudding (Godiva)
3/4 cup powdered sugar
4 large eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. sea salt
Turn the oven to 300 degrees and preheat.
After wiping down the bowl of the food processor, combine the filling ingredients and process until smooth and creamy.
Let the mixture sit for about 30-45 minutes.
Pour over the cooled chocolate covered crust.
Wrap the bottom of the cheesecake pan in foil to create a water barrier.
Place in a deep dish cookie sheet and surround with about 2 cups of water.
Bake for 2-3 hours, until the eggs have set and the top is just beginning to brown.
Remove from heat and allow to cool.

White Chocolate Truffle Ganache:
1 pkg. Lindt White Chocolate truffles
1/4 cup milk
Over very low heat, melt the chocolate and milk together, stirring constantly, until nice and smooth.
Pour over the cooled cheesecake.
Chill for several hours.

1/2 cup dark chocolate shavings
2 white chocolate truffles, chopped
Once the ganache has set, top the cheesecake with chocolate embellishments.

*All images courtesy of Craving4More