Four days ago, I got an email promising, “Free range chicken eggs available!” It came from Morgan Hamilton, who I found out a few messages later was a 27-year-old Black Forest resident and CDA-licensed chicken farmer with eggs to sell. Her Rhode Island Reds and cool Araucanas produce about 700 eggs per week and counting.
“I have been raising chickens on a hobby farm since I was knee high to a grass hopper,” she tells the Report in an email. “I started getting into animal faming when I joined the 4-H program in Minnesota where they taught us the ethics of sustainable living. We were exposed to everything from the community to the land.
“After graduating I moved to Colorado where my mother and I started a new life on 22 acres of mountain view. “
Hamilton says her coop is a custom-made 30-by-30 building with sky lights and a separate cleaning room for the eggs, housing about 200 chickens.
“All of the hens are free range during the day, and closed up in the coop at night,” Hamilton writes. “I do give them scratch grains and keep feed available to keep them busy and ensure proper nutrition. “
If interested, Mo Eggs makes deliveries for small orders in northern Colorado Springs. Eggs are $5 per dozen or $4 per for orders of 15 dozen or more. Email Hamilton at or call 719-360-5580.
[Images: Courtesy Morgan Hamilton]