A collection of recent food stories from across the web.
• A cat café in Vancouver had to close after every cat was adopted. “Poor road conditions along with holiday hours have prevented Furbacher from being able to keep a full stock of kitties.” [Vancity Buzz]
• A new organization called Chefs With Issues is reaching out to the kitchen. The goal is to address “the issues around mental health in the food industry, so people can get the help and empathy they deserve.” [Chefs With Issues]
• In a glance at the effect of rising wages, Shake Shack has “modest[ly]” raised its prices from a few pennies to a quarter. [Eater]
• Brandeis University announced its biophysicist Dan Perlman has developed a coffee flour made from beans parbaked at 300 degrees for 10 minutes. (This is as opposed to roasting temperatures that regularly top 400 degrees.) It’s then cryogenically milled in liquid nitrogen, resulting in a taste described as “nutty, pleasant and mild.” [Press release]
• New U.S. food guidelines are “remarkably ambiguous.” [Vox]
• What does 120-year-old beer taste like? “It tasted, actually, just how it smelled, which I was surprised by. We got like a little tree fruit note, a cherry note in there somehow — certainly a lot of sulphur, kind of rotten egg stuff going on.” [Canadian Broadcasting Centre]
• The 2016 James Beard Awards will be hosted by chefs Carla Hall and Ming Tsai, a Beard Award winner himself. [Nation’s Restaurant News]
• “How El Niño Is Impacting California’s Wine Industry — will the rains of El Niño turn water into wine?” [Eater]
• Some dude in Williamsburg is selling a $100 donut coated in 24-karat gold and frosted with Cristal champagne. [Business Insider]